Scientific publications
Belaïd, F., Toumi, M., & Lazaric, N. (2023). Smart energy cities: The role of behavioral interventions in reducing electricity demand in buildings in Principality of Monaco. In Smart Cities: Social and Environmental Challenges and Opportunities for Local Authorities (pp. 81-95). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Lazaric, N., & Toumi, M. (2022). Reducing consumption of electricity: A field experiment in Monaco with boosts and goal setting. Ecological Economics, 191, 107231.
Toumi M., Ballatore M. Arena L, (2022) « Blockchain-based data sharing system : An experimental analysis of behavioural features affecting inter-organisational cooperation.»
Festré, A., Kirakozian, A. & Toumi, M. (2019). Menacer, sanctionner ou conseiller ? Prosociaux vs individualistes : quels leviers incitatifs pour quels individus ?. Revue économique, vol. 70(6), 1125-1138. doi:10.3917/reco.706.1125.
Festré, A., Montagnana, S., Toumi M., Zeppini, P. (2020) « Environmental clubs: learning to contribute ». (WP)
Rafaï, I., & Toumi, M. (2018). Willingness to Pay Attention for Others: Do Social Preferences Predict Attentional Contribution? Revue d'économie politique, 128(5), 849-881.
Toumi, M, (2018), « The reasons why! A survey of the literature on pro-environmental behavior based on a bibliometric analysis». mimeo
Taillandier, F., Adam, C., Delay, E., Plattard, O., & Toumi, M. (2016). SPRITE–un modèle de simulation participative pour la sensibilisation au risque de submersion marine sur l’île d’Oléron. 34èmes Rencontres de l’AUGC, 1-8.
Teaching activities
During the past years, I had the opportunity to raise the teaching challenges of a wide variety of content including; Microeconomics, macroeconomis, behavioral economics, experimental economics, environmental economics, nudging...
2023 - 2024 : Lecturer - Behavioural Science & Sustainability at EDHEC Business School (Master students)
Behavioural Science for Sustainability
Management et Comportements Durables.
2016 - 2021 : Teaching assistant at STANISLAS at Université Côte d'Azur. (Graduate students)
Behavioral and experimental economics
Experimental and environmental economics
2019 - 2020 : Lecturer (ATER) at IUT (institut universitaire de technologie) Université Côte d'Azur
2013 - 2017: Teaching assistant at ISEM Université Côte d'Azur. (Undergraduate students)
2014- 2016: Teaching assistant at SKEMA Business school (Undergraduate students)